Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reasons why my house is haunted

Okay, that should probably be: "Reasons why my house is (probably) haunted." Of course we don't know for sure, and we're not willing to do what it takes to really find out. (We'd rather not face the truth.)

I've blogged about this before, but that was just one of a few experiences.

About a year ago, I was cleaning up all the crap that had fallen between the dresser and the wall, and Geoff was in the next room on the computer. I was sitting there on the floor, when I heard, "Hey." I looked up and said, "what?" and there was no one there. I called, "Geoff? Did you just say something to me?" No, he called back. He was still in the other room. The "Hey" I heard was clear as day, brief, a man's voice, and was right next to me. I had thought Geoff had poked his head in the doorway or something, but nope.

Now, if you know me, you know I could sleep through a natural disaster if it was happening in my own backyard. I don't ever wake up in the morning by myself, I have to be woken up. Especially if I've stayed up as late as I did two nights ago. Well, it was about seven a.m. this last Saturday morning, and I heard Geoff saying something to me, in a loud whisper. I don't remember if it was my name that was said, or just some attention-getter to wake me up, but I woke up. I looked over at Geoff, who was fast asleep, and asked him if he just tried to wake me up. Well, that woke him up and then he was up for the rest of the morning, but he said he didn't say anything to me.

Then, just this morning as I was in the bathroom doing my hair, out of the corner of my eye I saw something dark dart from the back room, past the bathroom doorway, towards the front room. It was low to the ground, so I thought it was Wally. But it kind of didn't seem like Wally, so I walked into the front room calling for him. I felt a little creeped out, and I wasn't able to find him out there, so I went back past the bathroom to the back room and there was Wally, asleep underneath the computer desk. Soooo it couldn't have been Wally that I saw, and Geoff was gone.

?These could all just be myself playing tricks on myself, but are they?

Then there's the way Wally sometimes just stares down the hallway and arches his back like he's freaked out. (Wally is our cat, in case you wondered).

Anyway, our condos are only about 7 years old, so I can't imagine there's much history here. We've talked about doing EVP's like TAPS, then we decide we'd rather not, just in case we did catch something.

Crazy. I know I sound crazy.


Diane said...

Hey Cali, it's Diane. I found your blog on Geoff's. I really enjoy reading your stuff, you are an A+ blogger ;)
Send me your email address you use for blogger and Ill send you an invite to ours! (

Jared and Shalynn said...

Oh great now I'm freaked out! I can't even watch scary movies because then I think that the character from the movie is in my house! I'm retarded I know.

And I can totally feel you on the sharing time thing in your last post. I'm in the presidency in our ward and I have to do it once or twice a month and every time I get so nervous and stressed out!'d think it get easier, but it doesn't!

Holly & Kasey said...

Okay, I read your post this morning and went home on my lunch break and was all freaked out. Then our neighbors dogs kept barking and I was convinced that someone was trying to get into my basement or someone was in my basement!!!

Ang said...

Your condo may only be 7 years old but what was under the ground before they built them???? Hmmm. Creepy.

Anonymous said...

I think it was Carlos Castenada (sp), I can't remember, (he wrote some books on weird stuff)who said that death is always near us, and when we see those shadowy flashes out of the corner of our eye, it's the spirit of death, something like that. Ha, ha, that's funny.