Thursday, December 18, 2008

Uh... I can stand upright

Props to Geoff for coming to a yoga class with me tonight. He said afterwards that it felt like he got beat up by six bullies. Ha ha he is such a cute boy. And we discovered that he is not only stronger but also more flexible than me! He was totally able to do the birds of paradise pose:
I could reach behind and touch my hands together but there's no way I could do that and balance on one foot at the same time. Yeah, the man is full of surprises.


Diane said...

Now that is impressive! Way to go Geoff!

Anonymous said...

Wowzers!! He should join my ultimate dance fighting super punch professional traveling team of awesome people. If only that existed.

But seriously, I give him props for going to Yoga with you. Dennis wouldn't do that in a million years, but he did try it once to my video. He lacks the skill. Maybe Geoff can start a men's alliance to help those "manly" men who are so uncoordinated.

Anonymous said...

aaa, Geoff. It's not good when it takes a trip to the gym for your wife to figure out you're stronger than her. Just sayin.

Cali said...

I knew Geoff was stronger than me... just not more flexible. I mean I've never been flexible, but that was a killer.

Sven said...

....well things are gonna get a little more funkier around here!