Sunday, December 21, 2008


I did it. Read the first book. Angie was right, I was both totally into it and rolling my eyes. It was pretty good, pretty good, then got kind of boring about three-fourths of the way through, then got REALLY intense. Now after reading the first one I do think it's a little... mmm... shall we say different that my 37-year old male boss loves the books... but I'm going to read the next one anyway. As soon as I get it from my mom's house.

The only thing that would ruin this book for me is that they were so in LOVE, so unconditionally and lifetimely committed after a few short days. Doesn't happen. Puh-lease. I didn't like his temper either.

But who doesn't fantasize about being adored by an out-of-this-world-good-looking vampire who takes exceptional care of you and is extremely dangerous for you? Especially one that no one else could get? I sure do, I tell you what!


Diane said...

I read most of them too...Until the 4th book. It was so horrible I couldn't even finish it. I was really disappointed. Sometimes it's just fun to see the hype and what everyone is obsessing about. I guess I'm part of the minority who doesn't have "I (heart) Edward" all over my blog!!!

justine said...

It is so true, I had such a hard time reading the books, they pull you into the plot as you are rolling the eyes. Glad to hear someone else thought the same thing!

justine said...

Oh, and Have a very Merry Christmas filled with tons of love and laughs!

Anonymous said...

If Stephany Meyer can pull in a male 37 year old, most teenage girls, and an old lady like me, she's a very talented writer. I loved the books. Even the 4th one.