Friday, March 13, 2009

13 is a lucky number

So I've been trying to be good and stay out of the candy machine at work right? Well today I got pretty bad munchies and went to grab some change from my wallet. Oops! The wallet was empty, so I went coin-diving in my purse. And guess what I found - a 1928 standing liberty quarter. Apparently these coins can sell for anywhere from $90,000 to about five bucks, depending on the year and condition. (The most rare and expensive one is $300,000). I'm pretty sure this one is on the very lowest end of the spectrum, but still kind of cool to keep around. (I'll let my dad keep it, he collects. I'll either spend it accidentally or lose it.) Not a bad thing to find at the bottom of your purse on Friday the 13th!

Here are some other reasons why this Friday the 13th rocks:

  • Absolutely gorgeous weather
  • It's Friday
  • We got a UPS package from Geoff's mom for our anniversary (which is on Wednesday) - more bedsheets, the awesome kind! They are high-thread count and luscious, and a beautiful lipstick-champagne color - can't wait to use them!!
  • I have the most wonderful and handsome husband in the world and we get to hang out all night!
  • We got our vacuum back from the repair people. So after two weeks without a vacuum the floors are clean again!
  • It's payday. (Can't complain about that!)


NaDell said...

And you updated your blog!
None of the blogs I read updated all day. There were some this morning, but I love to come into my computer/Vincent's room to check blogs.

That's cool that you found a valuable quarter!
It is a good Friday the 13th.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty good Friday the 13th to me! Woot! Congratulations on your quarter. Even if it's $5... that's a $4.75 profit. I'd take it.

Cali said...

NaDell - I too watch for blog updates all the time!

Molli - Thanks! I guess it is a 2,000% increase huh! lol