Geoff is out west again this weekend. After waking up this morning I went to town on the house... and IT IS CLEAN! I even mopped the wayward hair product off the bathroom wall with el handy swiffer - while shakin' my booty to Mmm Papi. All that's left is take a shower, go shopping, study for a test, and make 7-layer dip for when Geoffy gets back. And the weather is beautiful. What an awesome day.
I just randomly came across this web page (okay, I was googling Nizell to see if it was a word that meant anything - apparently it's a first name). According to it, I am the only Cali Stanley in the United States. (Cali Jones there was 5). And in case you wondered, there are two Nizell's. Try your own name and see how many other people there are that share it!
What a fun site.
I didn't know there were other NaDell's (granted their D's probably aren't capital like mine).
My first name is #41,813 ranked name in the US.
It knows my address too. Hmm.
Oh, thanks for updating on the weekend. I love having something to read. And dancing around the bathroom sounds fun. If only my back didn't hurt, I'd clean the shower and mop the floor in the kitchen like I have on my list today.
Yeah, pretty sure that being home alone has its benefits if only for that reason. You know on movies where girls are dancing around in their room singing, and then other people say, "Who the heck does that REALLY?" The answer to that question, friend, is ME. And you, apparently. :)
There are over 300 of my name.
There are 23 in the US with my name. I once stayed in a hotel at the same time as one of them and I kept getting messages and packages for him. Also, I often get email for one of them because his gmail address is one letter different from mine.
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