Thursday, April 17, 2008

The other day when I got home from work, Geoff had cleaned the house and made a potatoe casserole for dinner, which was in the oven baking. It was the cutest thing ever. I love my baby.

Got finals coming down on our heads right now so we're busy and tired, but happy. Out for now.


The Squires' Fam said...

What a sweetheart!! Those are the kind of things that you really miss when your spouse is gone. It sounds like you have caught you a good one.

The Squires' Fam said...

Well I am doing good. This is Brians third deployment. So I have done this all before and it may be sad but I am used to him being gone. I am staying at my parents house. They finished the basement for me to live in why he is gone. It's hard to go from having your own place to not but I think it would be even harder to be back in TN all alone with out any family. Thanks for all the support .

Jared and Shalynn said...

Sister!!! LOL! Good times. I'm so glad you found me on here. It's been a long time. Be sure to keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

You can email me anytime at pinkandbirchy at gmail dot com. (Sorry spammers!)

The Squires' Fam said...

Yeah it would be fine for you to come over and say hi next time you are down here. My phone number is 836-3191. I haven't seen you in for ever so it would be way cool for you to come over or vise versa.

Denise said...

His mom must have taught him well...............hahahaha..... He is such a cutie pie, and of course so is his darling wife!! I love you both!!!!!