Saturday, February 28, 2009


We went to see my friend Brayden's band play at Ozz in Provo last night, and met Rikki and her little brother there. (Formerly So is the band name - just a little plug for him). I guess he manages the bands down there so he got us in for free (sweet). They were pretty good, it was good to see him. When we were kids, he and Rikki and I would share a tent when our families went camping and he was always trying to sing for us. Of course at the time we just teased him a lot, but now he's doing what he loves! It was fun. His wife was also there with their new baby Brooklyn, who is sooooo cute. Most of the time babies cry when I hold them, but this one looked at me and started babbling away, pointing to her daddy on the stage. She was so stinkin cute.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Look now they're really starting to open up. I love roses.


Today my boss asked if I could meet with him for just a few minutes. I thought he was going to talk to me about some changes happening in our department but it was actually for an annual review. (Unexpected but very appreciated). He wanted to get a feel for how I was doing in the job, some likes and dislikes, what makes it meaningful to me, things I looked forward to, if there was anything I wanted to change. Asked about my school and when I would be done, and spoke to the effect that, with obtaining a degree comes a new world of opportunity, and they want me to feel that my work is a good career choice. And emphasized that the communication channel is open, should I feel the need to talk to him about any of it.

I so appreciated that. I appreciate the feedback, and that they are so inclined to help make my job meaningful to me, and just feeling that I can bring the subject up if I ever need or want to, and be met positively, means so so much. I'm so lucky to work at such a great place doing something I love and with such great people. I really had no idea when I started working there 2 1/2 years ago that it would all become what it is to me now. And it's almost hard to believe I've been in the acct. dept. for a year! It went so fast!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just because

Today about 1:30 the receptionist calls and says a nice man has left something for me at the front desk. So I go down there, and see a gorgeous bouqeut of flowers, with the sweetest note from my dad. Just because flowers. I almost cried right then and there. How sweet and thoughtful is that??

I'm so thankful for my parents. The many ways they do and always have shown support and love. I am a lucky lucky girl.

To forgive is Mulligan

For some reason, the saying, "to err is human" popped into my head, only I couldn't remember how the second part went. So, google is my friend.

To err is human:
-to forgive divine
-to arr is pirate
-to 'screw up' is part of the languange
-to give up isn't a bad idea
-to report it is another matter
-to Eruv is Jewish
-to blame someone else shows good management skills
-to forgive just takes a good PR campaign and a spot on CNN
-to Moo, Bovine

There were tons of different ones, I think the first one is the original one though, wouldn't you say?

Monday, February 23, 2009

End of day

I sat there working on a spreadsheet, despising the slowly ticking clock and dreading the monotony of night, when a text came:

"It's four thirty. Time to smoke some weed."

I laughed out loud.

At this very moment I wonder about:
-My little brother joining the army, if he's carefully considered it
-If they're going to make me retake the Business Law credit, even though I already took it at Snow College
-If people who voted for Obama still feel the same
-Making through the next ten months
-If it wouldn't be smart to quit working and pound the classes out, for the sake of my tired brain
-If our savings would hold for that long
-If I would regret quitting big time (I would, for sure)
-What smoking weed is like the first time (not that i would do it)
-If the doctor will give me those pills or if I'll just be embarrassed asking for them
-If I can be skinny by August
-Alison's pictures, and how different her surroundings look
-If eating those raspberries is going to make her sick
-If I'm just being the "victim" or if I'm genuinely burned out
-If I'll win that bid on ebay for my mom

How much do you know about your hubby

Okay, so when I'm bored, I'm not above posting anything (including dumb surveys from facebook!)

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? Gangland, 20/20, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Family Guy, a football (or basketball) game, or a movie he rented.

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Bleu cheese or Thousand Island, but he likes all kind of dressings. And dips, and sauces, and condiments, etc. etc.

3. What's one food he doesn't like? Cherries

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order? Diet anything. Prolly Mtn. Dew

5. Where did he go to high school? Umatilla, Oregon

6. What size shoe does he wear? 10

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Autographs

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Philly Cheesesteak

9. What would this person eat every day if he could? Hmm that's tough, he likes a lot of different stuff

11. What would he never wear? I don't know, but he does occasionally wear socks with sandals (it's so cute)

12. What is his favorite sports team? The Chargers

13. Who did he vote for? Didn't

14. Who is his best friend? me

15.What is something that you do that he wishes that you didn't do? I think way too much and am too opinionated

16. What is his heritage? Jehova's Witness

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind is it? Confetti cake with Neapolitan ice cream

18. Did he play sports in high school? Yes baseball

19. What could he spend hours doing? Watching movies

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Unmotivated weekend

I just tried to drop another class, but I've missed the deadline by two days. Buuuummmerrrrrrrrr. I'm totally blowing off homework tonight too. So I guess I can't complain this time when I get a bad grade. Who cares right. I'm so tired of school. Like so tired I don't even care anymore, 'cept for bein' tired. It sounds like mixed-up priorities, but I just want to work out. I just want to get off work and go work out every day and not worry about anything else.

My little brother almost signed up for the army this weekend. He and a friend of his whose dad is in the army. Right as they were about to leave, the friend's dad called and said he'd have a recruiter come to the house sometime this week instead. He thought that would be better. The army might be really good for Erik - I know he'd do well - but scary too (for us, anyway.) He's not even out of highschool yet.

Geoff and I doubled with Jared and Ashlee last night and went to this marriage seminar thing in Lehi, by this guy who has a radio show and writes books and does counseling. It was kind of fun and informative. I want to write what we learned but will do it later.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cherry cherry boom boom

I am TOTALLY digging this album right now:

(Lady Gaga - The Fame)
Did I mention she's my girlfriend? I hope she sticks around for a long time cuz I really like her.

After midnight

So last night after class we took the movies back to the store, came home and watched the Biggest Loser. It is starting to get intense. We went to bed around 11:30 (which is sooo late for us) and laid there for 20 minutes until Geoff said he wasn't tired and asked if I wanted to go to the gym. I felt pretty gross after eating almost a whole box of Good'N Plenty, so the answer was yes. I have never actually been to the gym after midnight until last night. "After midnight, we gonna let it all hang out" (JJ Cale). The funny thing is, waking up after only 5 hours of sleep felt pretty much the same as waking up after 10 hours of sleep. (Yeah, sometimes we go to bed wayyyy early). Anyway. I totally don't have a point here. Amen.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cognitive preferences

Well it's 5:30 and I was going to use my in-between hour to get ahead on the reading for tonight's governmental accounting class, but Geoff has el gov book, so I guess I'll just have to use my hour to do something I enjoy! Like blog! I've been meaning to write about the human-performance meeting we had - the one I was curious about? Well, take a look at the picture below.

That's the view of a brain from the top down. I know it's so high-tech. (Jackson would love that. He caught me writing on a paper-calendar once and gave me an earful). It was about our individual preferences for cognitive processing. Not necessarily our personality traits, or our strengths and weaknesses, but preferences.

Well, he gave us a little history about the study some guy did who cut people's brains in half to try and cure epilepsy, and the things they discovered upon doing so. Then he got into that diagram.

Logic - Order - Emotion - Vision. If you score a 1 in a category, it means you'd prefer to avoid it. A 2 means you don't love it but you can stand it. A 3 means you strongly prefer that category. Pluses and Minuses are just nuances on the number you recieve. Mine and Geoff's scores are as follows:

I was very surprised at Geoff's results. Surprised that he is more right-brained than left, and who would've thought he'd be the emotional one? ha ha. I've always considered him the least needy person on the planet. He actually likes his space, in fact. Instructor said high emotional scores mean that trust is very important. Which I guess is sooo true because he just hates to think that I don't trust him. And when I first met him, he did want to be a nurse. I think he would be great at it, although I think there were some classes that changed his mind. But you never know.

And I guess mine makes sense; I am in the right major. I figure it means I like to have order even if my "order" makes no sense? Hmmm.

The instructor said if the results are correct than I need to quit being so focused on the day-to-day order, or schedule, (done, done, and off to the next), and spend more time with Geoff, because he needs that. Ha ha, I think I can live with that. It is my favorite thing to do after all.

There was much more to glean from this lesson, but I'm not going into it right now.

Can I breeeeeeeeeath

Yay for the recovering nasal spray addict! Three days and counting can I getta wha! wha!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Holding on

I had the best talk today with a friend who really helped to shed some light on some of the conflicted thoughts I've been having about things lately. It was kind of like a weight had come off my chest. I just love this girl and am so glad to be able to get to know her better!

House hunting

I love watching the tv shows where people house-hunt. It's fun to look at the different places, decide which one YOU like best, and watch them weigh their options. I just watched one with an older couple who was looking for a vacation home in Nicaragua. They decided on a $300,000 condo that was right on the beach! Oh, I love our little condo in downtown Orem, UT. But how would it be huh!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Tonight I watched Sarah Mclachlan perform at some Austin City Limits concert on KUED. (With the help of Divver). She is nothing short of amazing. Her music speaks to me like nothing else, and seeing her in concert is on my list of things to do in this life. (I guess that would be a bucket list. I'm kind of working on one of those). I've put some of my favorite songs of hers in the playlist. The one that I couldn't put but wanted to was Witness. (Some songs are not available on playlist.) So instead I've decided to post the lyrics:

Make me a witness
take me out
out of darkness
out of doubt

I won't weigh you down
with good intention
won't make fire out of clay
or other inventions

Will we burn in heaven
like we do down here
will the change come
while we're waiting

Everyone is waiting

And when we're done
soul searching
and we carried the weight
and died for a cause
is misery
made beautiful
right before our eyes
will mercy be revealed
or blind us where we stand

Will we burn in heaven
like we do down here
will the change come
while we're waiting

everyone is waiting

Everyone has beliefs about heaven, but all aside, the song is very good.


Yesterday to celebrate V-day, I made Geoff some Red-velvet cupcakes. It was the first time I've ever made that kind, but they turned out pretty good. Ang gave me the recipe. And when I complained that I couldn't find any salt-free butter, she went to her house and brought me some!! It was too kind of her; she's so impossibly nice.

In the afternoon we went to Jared and Ashlee's for some yummy fondue and a few sexy games! It was way fun. I love getting together with them.

Friday, February 13, 2009


So, something drastic needed to be done - and drastic it is. But did they really not read the bill? The largest bill in the history of the United States, and they still voted for it without reading it, really? Does that seem like a good idea? I'm reading/hearing/watching a lot of stuff from both sides. The good and bad. I'm interested in the opinions of the people I know.

Good Friday

At work today they gave us is nail buff and polish gift certificate to a place in Orem. It was so nice of them! I really love my work. The men got something different, I think, a carwash.

When I got home from work Geoff had bought me TONS of chocolate, all kinds, and lots of Lindt chocolate, which I just love. He is such a sweetheart. I fall more in love with him each day, seriously. He has shown me so much, especially the last few weeks, how committed he is to our marriage and making it work. I just can't believe I have such an amazing man in my life. I really could not ask for more! Tonight we got Cafe Rio and rented movies and we're going to chill, I'm really excited!

I've been thinking a lot about my little sister too, hoping she's doing okay. (She seems to be, in her weekly email.) I bought the new Britney Spears CD. (I LOVE the song Lace and Leather.) And I was driving home from work today, pondering at why I continue to buy Britney Spears at age 24, and I thought, "Alison would totes understand..." and then, "Oh. I miss Al."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rattle them Dr. Bones

I wasn't going to take a lunch break today, but I just decided to clock out for a few minutes and blog about this funny little memory I just had.

I was probably about 10 or 11 years old and had just walked to a friend's house - a girl named Cassandra LeChemenont, who was new in the neighborhood. It was October and they had one of those paper skeletons with the moveable joints pinned up on their front door. I believe it was the first time I'd ever seen one, because I got the biggest kick out of it. I started playing with its limbs, making it talk, burp, say 'excuse me' and who knows what else, and I'm pretty sure I was giggling the whole time. After a few minutes I heard an older guy's voice from the inside say, "Is she going to knock or what?" and the door flung wide open to one of her older brothers, looking at me with a smirk on his face. You can bet I was embarrassed that they'd been watching me the whole time.

What a funny little weirdo! Ha ha! Easily entertained. Probably not much has changed.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Um, beautiful bananas?

I'm such a horrible title-thinker-of-er. Someone help me.

Mom popped in to see me at work today! She brought lunch. She made my whole day! My mom is so cute. Some may say I'm biased, but seriously, my mom is the cutest mom ever. My dad was talking about how it just wows him the way she gets along with people. They are just drawn to her happy, outgoing, and warm personality. She's very talented that way (and let's face it, cute is just cute anyway.)

Well I haven't blogged since Sunday, but would you believe that every spare minute since then has been filled with school? Okay, not every spare minute - late last night we laid in bed and watched the Biggest Loser on divver (It's faster when you can skip through the commercials.) But other than that, it really has. I've had two exams this week and Geoff has four. Surprisingly there's a lot to do even after dropping two classes, but the great thing about it now is I feel good about the amount of time there is to do it in. It's soooo nice to not feel so pressured all the time... almost nice enough to take it just two at a time until I'm done. Almost.

Our human performace instructor had us take an online quiz in preparation for next week's meeting. "Theory day," which is the best of them all because we just get to sit there and soak it in, and it's usually something interesting. He gets into the psychological aspects of human performance, which I enjoy. He encouraged us to have our spouses or significant others take it too, so I'm kind of curious about what it's going to be. He even said our spouses were invited to the meeting, but Geoff is too shy to come. But he did at least take the quiz for me. Sweetheart.

We're getting together with Jared and Ashlee on Valentine's day, and Ashlee has really planned some fun stuff, so I look forward to that too.

I feel so happy. I've been so blessed with so much. I don't think I could ask for more. Life - though sometimes stressful and, well, bananas - is beautiful.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I've heard of pink eye, but pink ear?

Okay, so I felt a little petty for posting that last entry, but have since gotten over it. Cuz you know what they say: "forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza." (We saw parts of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie this weekend - we used to love that movie when we were kids. I had such a crush on Casey Jones).

Check out my mane, dudes: (and dudettes, of course)

I love having pink hair. Except this time, she dyed my ear pink, too. (oops). I was able to get most of it off in the shower though.

Took a nap today and forgot to wake up for church. Well, I set my alarm but I think I turned it off in my sleep, meaning to push snooze or something. (my oops). Have had the most wonderful weekend with my handsome stud though. We've watched movies and eaten all kinds of delicious junk. Now I'm just studying for some exams for this week and finishing up homework.

My family took my little brother down south over the weekend so he could compete in a long-distance, endurance motorcycle race. I was worried about him, but they seem to have come back in one piece.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Are you sure you aren't married to Satan, lady?

So, I've been in an ongoing dispute with a company called National Imaging Systems, a printer-toner cartridge company. Basically they said they were sending us a free trial toner cartridge and then tried to charge us for it, and followed up with a series of nasty phone calls from Victoria Jean. (I was astonished at her nerve to call me out on a problem they caused). I think (hope) the problem might be resolved now, after having made a complaint to the BBB. I did a little research on their company, and they have complaints all over the place - exactly like mine. Victoria Jean's name is even out there.

I thought about it later, after my blood stopped boiling, and wondered how someone in involved in such a shameless con sceme, who berates the very customers they're trying to rip off, to their face, can live with themselves. Honestly, if I knew what I was doing every day was so wrong, and fighting with "customers" on the phone about it all day every day, I would be the most miserable person on earth.

My boss was just going to pay the invoice so he wouldn't have to deal with them, but I guess I'm a little more stubborn than that. I'm normally a quiet person and would rather not fight about stuff. I should probably be more professional about these things, but I will have it out with someone if the mood strikes And if they ask for it.

I promise I'm going to try and have more positive posts up here real soon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bangidang diggy diggy

For the past few weeks I think Geoff has been feeling really burned out too. It seems that the incongruencies of our blue and white personalities are exacerbated in times of stress. He is a sweetie though. We have tried to plan a trip to San Diego in August, although I'm not sure if the planning has abated the stress or added to it, ha ha.

I've been listening to a lot of rock lately, it makes me feel good. I'd more or less given up on the modern rock genre, but there is actually some good stuff out there right now. It's in the playlist! My favorites are the lyrics to Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl: Let me hear you say this sh-- is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S, This sh-- is bananas! B! A-N-A-N-A-S! But I headbanged so hard to bawitdaba that it made it hard to hold my head up straight for a few days (Obviously I'm an amateur headbanger). Well, gotta meet Geoff at class then we're off to the gym!

UPDATE: Okay, so the gym is like, crazy-packed these days. Everyone's all gung-ho on their new year's resolutions.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The REAL American Psycho

I used to be a Christian Bale fan. Now I haven't heard a human over the ripe age of three throw that kind of temper tantrum. What a jerk, man. The "screamee" had to have some real self-control for not ripping back into him.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Food, sex, and football (a day in heaven or what?)

Yesterday Ashlee and Jared (the ones we went to Vegas with) came over to watch the superbowl. We had yummy yummy food, played a few games, talked about sex (naturally), and watched the game. It was fun! I'm sad that they're moving away in a couple months. It's hard to find couples that you both jive with, and we enjoy hanging out with them. I also appreciate that when we make plans, Ashlee jumps all over it and totally carries her end of the bargain and comes up with her own ideas and stuff; it is really cool. :) We might get together on V-day too.

I am sooooo sleepy today! Yawn! (might have to grab some caffeine). That commercial by was hilarious.