Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Why not jump on that train... woot woot
Finally done!
Well, I finally finished the fourth book last night, which means life can return to normal now. Unlike many other Twilight fans, I was not disappointed with the fourth book at all. There were some differences, like Edward went from being a dangerous and smoldering hot forbidden love to a very comfortable companion/fatherly/husbandly type... a family man. And Bella's entire tone was different, which made really the entire book different. (Well, the part that was hers and not Jacob's). It was not in a bad way, just a different, less addicting way. Which is good for me because that means I'm not too disappointed that there's not more to read. I think there was nowhere else for the story to go anyway, without repeating itself or shifting the focus to other characters. But still good. I still have my soundtracks to listen to and they are very good.
Now we get a couple more days of play before going back to the grindstone (a.k.a. school). It's New Year's Eve tonight, just got home from work, and looking forward to nothing more than hanging out at home with Geoff, being comfortable and taking it easy. He's gone right now, getting pizza, I think. We haven't had pizza in almost three weeks! (that's pretty good for us). Plus I think Geoff's cold is about to become my cold, so relaxing feels really nice.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
New songs
Oh - I just bought Howie Day's Australia (because Stop All the World Now was so awesome how could this one not be?) The song "Ghost" is amazing. It is also at the bottom.
Update: Ang has given me the Twilight soundtrack and all the music that the author listened to while she was writing the novels... how freaking awesome is that??? (How freaking awesome is she??) I'm just starting in on them now, and there's a song on the soundtrack that I have totally fallen in love with - Flightless Bird, Iron & Wine, it is also now in the playlist at the right, at the bottom.
Total ECLIPSE of the heart
I know I am talking about this a lot the past week or so, but it is sort of dominating my world in that short space of time. BUT I just finished book 3 this afternoon, and I LOVE it. After checking out the soundtrack and musical score on itunes, I decided it was time to see the movie. Edward and Bella were exactly as I pictured them even before I saw advertisements, but the acting was horrible. Especially Bella. Charlie was pretty good though, actually. His performace actually stood out even though it's one of the lesser supporting roles. And the girl who played Jessica was actually pretty good at her part, too. Anyway, regardless of all that, I did enjoy it. And I daresay Geoff enjoyed it too. I want to start book 4 but it's just taking up too much of my time and thoughts... might be good to give it a break for a few days. And though I admit it reluctantly, I really do heart Edward. There's a facebook group called "Because I read the Twlight series I have unrealistic expectations in men." Chuckle. That was always Geoff's gripe with chick flicks. I suppose that's true. We "chicks" deal with the same thing though, pretty much anywhere you look. It is what it is though, eh?
Speaking of... Christmas candy at Wal mart is 50% off. I loaded up on cordial cherries, orange-creme mints, and sweet stripes. I've been working really hard this break to watch the food intake, (have actually lost a couple pounds) but blame it on the mood I guess. Hopefully it will just sit around.
About the dog in Murray that walked into a Smith's, went straight to the pet food aisle, selected a raw-hide bone, and walked straight back out the door. Got a pretty good laugh out of that. That is a smart dog. I love pets.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Lovin' Christmas
After mom & dad's we came home so geoff could shave cuz he felt hairy, we took a nap and went back to SF to grandma's this time. The extended family was there and we ate lunch and exchanged gifts. Geoff has had a cold the last few days, and he'd taken some cold medicine that made him loopy, so we came home then, and he totally crashed on the couch for at least an hour. I started book 3 while he was asleep, then he woke up and we watched the Dark Knight. Wow, I thought Heath Ledger was amazing! Because he was so creepy, the way he talked and kept licking his lips. He really stole the show. (Yes, I know we're about six months behind the pop culture trend, everyone else has already seen it).
About 11:00 we crashed. I say though, it is so nice, to know that you have all of the next day to do whatever you want! And better, the day after that too! Love it!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
Tonight we'll go to Grandma Bingham's with the fam, but right now I'm off to the gym. I'm staving off the third Twilight book until the day after Christmas so's I don't end up neglecting Geoff and my family (cuz it will trap me for hours). We rented some Christmas movies anyway and that sounds kind of fun. (Elf, which is Geoff's recent Christmas favorite, Muppet Christmas Carol, and the Santa Clause.)
Life is wonderful. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I love it more than a fat kid loves cake
Monday, December 22, 2008
Lunchtime thoughts

We've got couriers running all over Utah & Salt Lake counties, and Heber, whatever county that belongs to. I hope they make it back okay.
I wish I'd brought Twilight book 2 to read. Guess what I'll be doing tonight... if I make it back okay...
Did I mention that my work has a Twilight Christmas Tree? They bought it from the Festival of Trees, as an afterthought, to tease my boss. Do you think it would be allowed to post pictures of it? (I don't want to get in trouble)
Oh yeah, and this morning when I got in, someone had left some of those miniature cream pies with fruit on top from Kneaders on a cute little Christmas plate. Those pies are my favorite. Someone has obviously paid attention. I wish I knew who it was, I can't believe they'd be so kind to think of me.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The only thing that would ruin this book for me is that they were so in LOVE, so unconditionally and lifetimely committed after a few short days. Doesn't happen. Puh-lease. I didn't like his temper either.
But who doesn't fantasize about being adored by an out-of-this-world-good-looking vampire who takes exceptional care of you and is extremely dangerous for you? Especially one that no one else could get? I sure do, I tell you what!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Uh... I can stand upright

Recently updated
Wally is a weirdy
Geoff started a new blog. Yes, this is his third blog, but he says he's finally found his calling in life and that's to keep the new blog. SO CLICK HERE for some Jack Bauer-esque enjoyment. I heart Geoff.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How did she know I'm an airhead

Yesterday for our human performance meeting we did something a little different. A guy came and spoke to us about values in business and how they spill over into our personal lives. I really liked it. It was kind of like the business lecture series I took at school last year, except shorter!
Finals are done! For the next three weeks, I look forward to getting Christmas shopping done, going to the gym (which hasn't seen me since October), and spending time with family and friends! Oh yeah and let's not forget read the Twilight series... really, let's not forget.
Al should be in Chile by now, getting used to her surroundings, hopefully.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hey, my cat vibrates too
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sisters and Christmas parties
This was from our work Christmas party last Friday night. It was at the Grand America again. We were both laughing because Geoff (or was it me?) dropped the Christmas present right as Joe snapped the picture and were trying to hold our pose. Anyway, it was fun. We just ate a nice dinner and did a white elephant gift exchange. I gave a couple of cute cocoa mugs with candy in them and we ended up getting a Clapper. (Clap on, clap off). We actually installed it on the bedroom lamp and have been goofing around with it ever since. My work gave us a one-night stay at the Zamott Resort in Midway (which is supposed to be super nice) along with $50 spending money while there. It was so nice of them.
Saturday night we went to some friends (the vegas friends) and had chocolate fondue and played mad gab and taboo, and watched a movie. It was pretty fun. Now we're just in the middle of finals. I've got one tonight and one tomorrow night and then I'M DONE! Geoff should be done soon too. He's got three down, three to go.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Domestic Savvy, I has it not

Use starch! It really works!
Mental note- now that I think about it, it seems like I've had this epiphany before... some things just don't stick, I guess...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pink Chapagne on Ice
Sometimes Geoff will play the guitar part on his guitar, then when it comes time for the percussion I'll hit out the beat with my hands. We're so dorky, but it's fun. Back when I had my piano, we could play Ben Folds Five's Brick together, me on piano and him on guitar. That was so fun, I love doing stuff like that.
A secret
However, someone's been giving me gifts. I thought the first one might've been an accident (even though it was so incredibly nice of them to let me keep it anyway) but this week I got another one! And they know I'm not playing. But the one person who I know knows who it is, refuses to tell me. I'd love to thank them properly for the nice gifts but I have no clue who it is. (I think it is a female because men don't buy those kinds of things... that might be kind of weird anyway). Last week they gave me this way cute wooden santa that stands on its own, and this week was a cute wooden sign that says merry christmas on it and they are so cute. I love them, and they are the two sole pieces of decoration in my office right now. So of course I'm very flattered, and it has made me very conscious of the way I'm treating the people around me... which is a good reminder, regardless of why.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My routan babies

I can't tell if any of them really look like either of us. The module puts markers on your faces and constructs a baby for you based on that. I do think it's interesting that we got almost the exact same baby from two different picture sets though. The person who showed me the website got a baby that just looks exactly like her husband. Anyway, I couldn't get the exact URL but google Routan Baby and you can find it. Kind of funny.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Counting blessings
Smells Like... popcorn
So I was scrolling through the TV guide the other day and lingered over the lineup for Spike TV... which is obviously a man's channel. I was amused at the upcoming shows, which included MANswers: How to bust out of handcuffs, bullets and samurai swords, taking a stripper home, and killing a bear. This was followed by Horsepower IV, Prisoners out of control, and When animals attack. Thinking the busting out of handcuffs thing just might come in useful one day, I clicked on the show where I immediately learned which animal farts the most. (But I forget what it was now, dangit). Men are so funny.
Flip from Spike over to Lifetime, where we have Flirting with Forty, Will & Grace, and If You Believe, which promises the story of "a highly stressed book editor who nears a breakdown, her inner child appears in order to help her find the joys of life."
Sometimes I wonder which of these encompasses me more. I hope to find out when I read the Twilight series, at which I expect to either melt with excited giddyness or roll my eyes and go "C'mooonnnnnn for real?" We will see.
Geoff just made popcorn and it is calling out to me...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
World keeps turning
Three of our employees got laid off today, including one who I considered my friend from the time I started working there. She was one of the few who really took me under her wing and just made me feel so at home. I wanted to cry. I will miss her.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Earth to Cali?
The first thing I did when I got to work this morning was respond to an eight-month-old email from a co-worker, and copied three other people on it. This was followed by a round of "I'm sorry, please disregard" emails.
The auditors came back to our CPA saying they never got the 2nd qtr. reports from me. "Yes they did!" I exclaimed, pulling up the email with the 2nd qtr. attachments. I pointed to the dates, 7-1 thru 9-30, "See, second quarter!" (yeah, I felt like an idiot)
Back when I went on 4-10's, Tiffany took over doing Monday's banking, and when I went back to 5-8's, management said they wanted her to keep doing it on Mondays so she would stay fresh. Well, about an hour late, I went to pick up the stack of invoices, wondered why there weren't any to pick up, then did a walk-through payroll and called for banking. Tiffany had already done it an hour earlier. (She laughed pretty hard at me when I told her)
On lunch break, I went to mom's office to pick up my earrings, which I'd left at her house, then went to the bank to cancel my debit card, which I'd lost.
To my boss's question, "What'd you do now?" I respond, "Well, you just never know..." The rest of the afternoon went okay until I got to class and realized I brought the wrong textbook.
Oy vey. Now the day is almost over, thankfully. Just grocery shopping and homework. ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS LEFT OF DANG-BLASTED SEMESTER LEFT!! Yippee.