Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lessons for life and other such nonsense

Yesterday UVSC had a huge celebration. And why? Because it's not UVSC anymore!!


Of course, it never would've occurred to me to celebrate, but there you have it. I would've liked to go to the concert at the ball field, but I was forced to listen to the thumping base from inside a classroom, over the lecturer's voice. Damn school! But after class was over, we walked outside to a rooftop balcony and looked down and they were just getting set up for a fireworks show. I called Geoff to come watch the fireworks with me from the roof so he walked all the way over. (He walks to school occasionally). The fireworks were supposed to start at ten, and we sat there until 10:20 then came home. We can see them from our condo, anyway.

Tonight I was on the phone with my dad, talking about a post he wrote and about the economy. I wanted to get his take on things that were happening. I was walking around a gas station, when suddenly I realized my shirt was on inside out. Woops. Here I was talking on the phone with dad and I had failed to heed his infinite words of wisdom: "One thing you always want to do before you go out is make sure your shirt isn't inside out." Life lessons apparently not learned, BUT you do what you got to do. eh? eh?

Geoff has managed to de-junk and de-clutter this place. He has sold a number of things, good things, but useless to us, on craigslist. He bought a paper-shredder and got rid of all the useless mail-stuff that was scattered in the corner of the kitchen counter and table. I have to say, when you walk in here, it is like a breath of fresh air. I LOVE open space!

Also, today was NUMBERS day at work. Ahhhhh I dread dread dread having to stand up and give numbers. But, I do believe that speech class has helped me out a little bit. I was much less nervous, And at the end my boss complimented me on doing a good job in my research of the tax-software, which was pretty awesome. Also, went to lunch with two of my favorite co-workers and it was very fun. We went to a little cuban restaurant in Lindon. The service was pretty poor but the food was yummy. I love fried bananas, they are delicious.


Anonymous said...

I remember another thing your dad used to tell you before going out on a date.... "make sure the tag goes in the back"

Anonymous said...

The idea is that when you "come home" from a date, not "go out" on a date, to check your shirt to make sure the tag is on the inside!