Thursday, November 20, 2008

Shelby Cobra

Okay, I am not much of a car person, but tonight was pretty cool. There's a place just down the street from where we live that manufactures shelby cobras. (They don't do the engines, which apparently is what makes the car... if you buy one of these, you have to put the engine in yourself). But cool nonetheless. So we saw them at different stages of the process. One of the finished cars they store there is owned by Mr. Shelby himself (I saw MR because I can't remember his first name... Carol?), and one of them was owned by a crown prince of Saudi Arabia. The only one I got a picture of was this:

It's an original car, the one they patterned the parts from. The old guy standing behind it is the dad of the family (it's a family business - Kirkham Motorsports), he said he bought this car a long long time ago for $4500, and not too long ago turned down an offer for $750,000. Crazy! These guys are the only ones in the world that make the bodies out of 100% aluminum, and Mr. Shelby buys them from these guys - he's bought about 200 of their cars, they said. They only make 70 cars per year. Anyway like I said, I don't know much about cars, but this is neat and to think we never knew it was just down the street.

Oh yeah - this was a class "field trip." Our professor has done some work for them and the people let him bring his classes in to show them around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The upper end of the muscle cars of 60's and early 70's. Others include Corvette, GTOs, Olsmobile 442s, Barracuda, Challengers, Firebird and Camaro.