Thursday, April 30, 2009

beautiful, lazy thursday evening

One more day of this week then it's bye-bye crazy workweek! It has been kind of fun being super super busy- I really do enjoy being part of things- but I am also looking forward to things just getting back to normal! :O)

Geoff brought me lunch today. And right now he's at Walmart buying me grape juice because I just wanted some grape juice so bad. The trade-off is that I stay here and fold laundry and hang out... sounds like a great trade-off to me!!

Without having school in the evenings, every day feels like Friday. It is soooo nice. This weekend we can do whatever the heck we want. We'll probably just pull the air-mattress out into the living room and watch netflix movies, but you also just never know when the mood for an impromptu getaway will strike. ;)

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