Thursday, April 14, 2011

Running / cooking / moving

Worked late again.  Then we went to the gym, then the store, came home and made some dinner, and now I blog while it's in the oven.

Few things I wanted to blog about today:

1) The gym.  I'm officially enrolled in the 5k that my work is participating in on May 28th.  That gives me six weeks to kick it in gear!  I've made little improvements.  I started out walking 5 minutes and jogging 1 (repeat for 30 minutes).  Then I increased it to walking 5 minutes and jogging 2.  Tonight I increased it to walking 4 minutes and jogging 2.  I have a long way to go!  I hope I can be ready in time!

2) Apron Strings.  It's a cookbook that my aunt published last winter, that seems to be doing really well locally.  She was even on one of the daytime TV shows a few days ago to make a chicken slaw or something.  Anyway, I am normally a lousy cook- which is why I never really tried too hard.  But I've used this book several times in the past month, and love it.  There isn't an ingredient in this book that I don't recognize, or a recipe that I couldn't follow.  It's easy!   And the food is yummy too.  If anyone is interested in obtaining said cookbook, let me know and I'll hook you up.  I'm not sure how much they are, I think mine was around $10.

3) Also we're going to cancel Dish Network on Monday.  (One last weekend to enjoy TV).  We're trying to cut down on bills a little bit, and we're already trying to figure out what we're going to take to New York with us and what not.  We're likely going to sell most of our stuff, with the exception of our bed (I LOVE our bed, it's the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in), clothing, and the bookshelves/books.  Still researching it though.  I think that Ikea is going to be our friend once we get out there and have to replenish everything.  :)  Should be fun.


Courtney said...

I forgot to put in my last comment that yes, the Hunger Games are such good books! The first and second ones are my favorites, the third one kind of dragged but it still was good.

Good luck on your 5K!! And we dont' have cable or satellite TV, haven't for almost the entire time we've been married. We watch what we want online or get the DVDs when the seasons are over. You'll be amazed at how much you don't miss TV.

And I think that's smart to sell stuff instead of dragging it to NYC. My cousin and his wife that live there live in a 700 sq ft studio apt. Their bedroom is also their living room/dining room. So they didn't really need a lot of furniture--but it's cute and cozy.

NaDell said...

It's good to learn how to make good food. You'll get better and it sounds like that cookbook will help you. =) I'll have to go check it out.