Monday, October 15, 2007

Sex Appeal

It may seem that I am so single-minded that I talk about the same thing all the time. Well, this will be the last time I bring this stuff up for awhile, then I'll be moving on. :) (And if you read this and it makes you mad, let me know, I'm always open for another point of view on it.)

I was never one to really believe the old adage that the good-looking people are more successful in life and career, have more advantages, etc. In fact, I firmly refused to believe it was true. Your skills and such are what qualify you, right? People aren't really that shallow, right?? Well, a few recent things have caused me to change my mind to a great degree. I was talking with Geoff about this, and he said he read a book once about how to become a CEO. (What?? I don't know if that is indeed his ambition, but give that man another klondike bar anyway). One of the most important things the book said to do was to keep yourself in good physical shape, because it's supposed to be an indicator that you can control your body. And if you can control your body, then you must be able to control your life, so to speak. Well, that may be partially true for men, but I think for women it's all about sex appeal. Especially if you are relying on men to help you advance, it can help to be good-looking. I know your skills and qualifications are still probably the biggest factor in your success, but what if two equally-qualified people are in the running, and one is ugly and gross and the other is good-looking, who's going to get it? See? Looks do play a factor. It's not a nice reality, but reality it is, is it not.

The more I thought about this the more mad I got. Then my little competetive spark ignited and I thought, hey, I could use this as motivation. So, Geoff and I came up with a plan. The goal for each of us is to be at a certain weight by a certain time, accomplished by eating better, exercising, and getting adequate sleep, and waking up on time so as not to be shabby-looking all day long. (This is not a sad surrender to conformity - and who cares if it was anyway - it's my determination not to be overlooked when it comes to something I really want.) "Yeah, right?" I hear you say. Well actually, this will be good in other areas of life too besides work. Really, I've often felt the last long while that I'm grasping at straws, reactively trying to keep all the loose ends tied together so the whole thing doesn't fall apart. I'd really like to be on top of things for a change. So, I guess you could call our plan the "behave like a responsible adult" plan, ha. I can't honestly say which part motivates me more, but as long as I can do it that's all that matters. Plus who doesn't want to lose weight and feel better anyway? Geoff and I are in it together, but our individual success will be depend on how bad we want it. For the first day at least, we done good.

In my philosphy class, we had to write a paper on our philosophy of life. It could say absolutely whatever we wanted it to say. So I wrote about my ambitions - perhaps a little too zealously. At the end of my paper, my professor wrote, "To have money and success are good goals, but what's more important is what you become as a person." ....or something to that extent... And I suppose it's true. So anyway, I should keep things in perspective too.

Blah blah blah, so anyway, that's sorta what's up the last few days. Hopefully I'll have something FUN to write about next. It's BEDTIME!!


Anonymous said...

Feeling good about yourself physically can influence your total outlook on life. Inside is very important, but believe me, if you're taking good care of yourself physically and are eating healthy and exercising, you will have a good attitude about your life in general. And a good attitude will help you to succeed in whatever you are striving for. Good for you guys and keep it up!!

I know this to be a correct and true principal... And God is my witness....

Anonymous said...

sooo, the harshness of it all. kind of like the "we are all not created equal" routine? kind of a fight and scratch deal eh? can't say i disagree. you're just getting started.

DeAnna said...

I think I know what book Geoff was reading, I think it is called Blink, and it is very true the majority of CEO's are also taller than 6 feet. (It is a really good book if you want a good twist on phsycology vs. the world type book) I completely agree, if two people have the same qualifications, the better looking one will get the job. HOWEVER, in the long run, it will be your reputation and your attitude/qualifications that get you anywhere, once people no longer care what you look like.

DeAnna said...

P.S. I am technically a personal trainer if you want any advice :). I didn't go to 5 years of college for nothing!

DeAnna said...

Ok one more thought ha ha, I have to say as far as you striving to look your best hurray, but I really don't think you are lacking in the looks category (I am not just saying that to be nice either Re: your collective soul pic) I think more than anything you lack the confidence. So until then...FAKE IT, because you have good enough looks to fool anyone (and you are tall!)