Monday, February 18, 2008

New job!

My baby got himself a new job today. He's been thinking about this for a little while. This new job will accomplish two things: reduced hours which will allow him to focus more on school (but it also pays better so that is definately nice), AND it will give him some experience that pertains to his degree, so he won't eventually be stuck with a degree and no experience. Yay! It has to feel like finally heading in a definate direction, something he's worried about a little bit in the past. I think he's a little nervous since he's never done anything quite like it before, but he's smart and I know he'll be fine. They seem very willing to take it slow and train thoroughly and that helps a TON when starting a new job. I guess the girl that had the position before didn't really know what she was doing and was too afraid to ask questions, so she really messed everything up. So they've got someone coming in to clean up the mess, and then Geoff is going to take it from there... it will have something to do with the company's financial statements... I'm not clear on the complete job description but it's something to that effect. So, this is really great! Way to go baby! :) It'll beat binding phone books, for sure. :)

I've already failed once today at my not being defensive/taking things personally thing. Once I heard of Geoff's job I went to tell my two co-workers about it, and the one said, "so does that mean you can afford to go to that concert now?" and the other one asked what concert and I said Collective Soul, and she let out this disgusted sigh and said, in true brat form, "GAG! I HATE Collective Soul." (with two syllables in the word "gag") And of course I took it personally and said, with a smile, "Well, I hate YOU." Smooth, Cal. Strike one for you. Sometimes it feels so GOOD to be a brat to other people who are being brats. But that is exactly what I'm trying not to do. Tomorrow I try again.

Visited Grandma and Donald tonight. Grandma is feeling much better. Visited mom & dad too, they are good. I love my husband.

Grateful thought: I'm so grateful that the Lord has blessed us so much, with our school and with work... it's scary you just do what you do hoping things will work out, and it appears that they are. Can't ask for more than that. :)

Well I've got Sooooo much homework and it's already 9:00 so I best R-U-N-N-O-F-T, if ya catch me. Oh- and I *heart* Collective Soul.


kenna said...

Yaya! Congrats! Let us do dinner when I bust out of this place!

DeAnna said...

P.S. I love Oh Brother Where Art Thou..(is that completely retarded.... who cares).

alison said...

ha ha, whoa! did she notice that you were annoyed, or did she think you were just joking?