Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bang bang!

I am such a nerd. I am constantly running my mouth, telling people how much I LOVE my work... and I'm sure they're thinking "uh huh, wow... gee that's really great... zzzzzzzzzz" (the zz's mean snore). Anyway today was funny. In I walk, and what is sitting on my desk but an Air Zone Scorpion Bow, complete with six foam arrows that "soar up to 40 feet"! Everyone got some kind of foam-dart gun (week five of new software - they've done something cute for us each week so far) and boy it was a stress relief. People warred all day. I shot the owner in the face with mine. It was an accident that it hit his face, but he came into my room, gun first, and there I was, staring down a loadel barrel, what was I supposed to do... it's a good thing he's a good sport.

The "numbers" meeting went okay. The coach guy called on me first so there I went. I said "um" way too much, and after it was over I thought of a few things that I could've said better, but it was the best I could do under the pressure of being stared at. So I suppose it went okay.

One of my classes this semester is Marketing. The teacher is a funny little dude. He's from India, although he's much easier to understand than the last Indian teacher, and he just talks and talks and talks about his Ph.D... he's so proud of himself for getting his Ph.D. He's also working on a research paper for a Marketing journal, and throughout the lecture he kept referring to his paper and explaining about "his paper", and he'd pull it up on the screen and then scroll alllllll the way through it to get to a certain page (it's 50-something pages long, and instead of just grabbing the scroll bar and moving it down, he clicks on the little arrow and lets all the pages move past one by one) He asked us to show by raise of hands who planned on going for a Master's degree. Then out of those, who planned on going for a Ph.D. Then he said that you can only teach at a university if you have a Ph.D... and even then you have to do research. He just forgot to ask how many of us were actually interested in being a professor. We did cover a lot of material though, and he's pretty nice, I guess it just keeps it interesting to watch him brag about himself. He seems like one of those that would be very political, or would "play favorites" as far as grades go; and just because he can. I guess that remains to be seen though.

For my other class, I have to write a speech. It's only informational, and it only needs to be about 5 minutes long, so it should be a piece of cake. However I just CAN'T THINK OF A TOPIC! It can be about anything in the world and I'm stumped. Perhaps on how to run a payroll. I'd like it to be somewhat entertaining, or at the very least interesting.

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