Saturday, November 1, 2008

We are so studly

Here are our Halloween costumes. Geoff came to pick me up for lunch at work, and our receptionist (who I love) said afterword, "I saw him come in and I was thinking to myself, 'Who's that pervert coming in here?'" Ha ha ha. Geoff said he was an undercover 60's cop posing as a pimp.

Come clooooser... I vant to suck your blood! Ah! ah! ah!

We had so much fun though. At work, anyone who dressed up got $20, then after work we went down to Mt. Pleasant for a little party at my friend's house. It was pretty fun. Then we got home around 11:30 (yes we left early) and I was so cranky from wearing a cape all day and fake eyelashes (they start to hurt after awhile) so we went to bed around midnight. It was a fun day though. I think we'll dress up next year too.


Anonymous said...

Those are GREAT costumes... both of you! Geoff looks exactly like an undercover cop/pimp and Cali is a very vampirish vixon!

Anonymous said...

A great Don Brewer Geoff.

Ang said...

Quite a pair! It was a fun day.