Saturday, December 27, 2008

New songs

Just changed up the playlist with some mellow stuff. FINALLY someone linked to my favorite Mraz song so I can put it only list... O. Lover. A dangerously seductive song. (It's at the bottom if you care to have a listen.)

Oh - I just bought Howie Day's Australia (because Stop All the World Now was so awesome how could this one not be?) The song "Ghost" is amazing. It is also at the bottom.

Update: Ang has given me the Twilight soundtrack and all the music that the author listened to while she was writing the novels... how freaking awesome is that??? (How freaking awesome is she??) I'm just starting in on them now, and there's a song on the soundtrack that I have totally fallen in love with - Flightless Bird, Iron & Wine, it is also now in the playlist at the right, at the bottom.


Anonymous said...

Dear Cali,
You need to get out more.

Cali said...


Normally, I'm out like, ALL the time. For once I get to stay home and do whatever the hell I want, and that's exactly what this is. :)

PS- Are you offering me concert tickets, then?