Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Um, beautiful bananas?

I'm such a horrible title-thinker-of-er. Someone help me.

Mom popped in to see me at work today! She brought lunch. She made my whole day! My mom is so cute. Some may say I'm biased, but seriously, my mom is the cutest mom ever. My dad was talking about how it just wows him the way she gets along with people. They are just drawn to her happy, outgoing, and warm personality. She's very talented that way (and let's face it, cute is just cute anyway.)

Well I haven't blogged since Sunday, but would you believe that every spare minute since then has been filled with school? Okay, not every spare minute - late last night we laid in bed and watched the Biggest Loser on divver (It's faster when you can skip through the commercials.) But other than that, it really has. I've had two exams this week and Geoff has four. Surprisingly there's a lot to do even after dropping two classes, but the great thing about it now is I feel good about the amount of time there is to do it in. It's soooo nice to not feel so pressured all the time... almost nice enough to take it just two at a time until I'm done. Almost.

Our human performace instructor had us take an online quiz in preparation for next week's meeting. "Theory day," which is the best of them all because we just get to sit there and soak it in, and it's usually something interesting. He gets into the psychological aspects of human performance, which I enjoy. He encouraged us to have our spouses or significant others take it too, so I'm kind of curious about what it's going to be. He even said our spouses were invited to the meeting, but Geoff is too shy to come. But he did at least take the quiz for me. Sweetheart.

We're getting together with Jared and Ashlee on Valentine's day, and Ashlee has really planned some fun stuff, so I look forward to that too.

I feel so happy. I've been so blessed with so much. I don't think I could ask for more. Life - though sometimes stressful and, well, bananas - is beautiful.


Diane said...

I should ask your mom her secret to getting along with people, cuz I sure as hell don't know :)

Have a great Vday with Geoff!

Sven said...

I pity the foo that don't like homework!

Anonymous said...

Ah shucks Cal... that made MY day! Thanks!

Love you!

Jax said...

Funny, I've always thought your titles are great and quite creative.

Toones said...

You are so cute! hehe Im excited too to about V-day!