Monday, June 15, 2009

Actual post

I don't even know what I want to say in this post so - it's going to be a bunch of rambling. I just know I haven't posted a real post in what feels like forever. (By real I mean journal-ish, which is the purpose of this here blog).

I was just thinking the other day how lucky we were to get Geoff's internship. Not only is it an actual accounting internship, but it's close to home and it actually pays something. We thought he was gonna have to leave the state or something and then work for free. So.

We watched Benjamin Button last night. I wasn't expecting too much based on some reviews I read, but I actually liked it. At any rate, it stuck with me. Maybe I get way too emotionally involved in movies - and I did get attached to the characters - but at the very least it helped me appreciate a little more the chance I have to live life and grow old with the person I love. The school, the careers, the kids, the moves, the struggles, the joys, all of it - unless something tragic happens - will be spent with my sweetheart, and for that I'm so grateful.

It was another weekend of lallygaggin'. So, because of that, this week is packed. About halfway through next week is when the 1st block ends and so does one of my classes. And the week after that another class ends. And the third one goes through the end of July. So. For a week and a half we'll be super busy, and then it'll calm down a little bit.

I have old friends who are out in the world living their dreams and accomplishing great things - things that will make a difference in the world. (Specifics will not be displayed here.) I know I probably sound like such a whiner sometimes, but I wonder when/if I would be able to do such things. We all know I can't get through a day without complaining about school, ha ha. Maybe my "great things" will be centered in my own home and family, as opposed to solving world-poverty. But I would like to help the poverty-stricken countries/people too, somehow, in some way. The question is how to quit talking about it and do it.

I read Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box by the Arbinger Institute. Another recommendation from someone. And a very good one I say. It was made to be applicable to business settings, but I think is useful at home too. Again, talking and practicing are two different things, but it is fun to be aware of it at the very least.


NaDell said...

Humanitarian projects are a great way to start. School bags, clothing for children, hygiene kits, blankets, towels, so many options. If you can't buy the stuff, someone in your ward might have it and just need a little help once in a while. Although, you are pretty busy too.
Write a letter to a soldier or missionary.
Have a great day!

Chakeshemo said...

A popular local religious leader said some years ago, (paraphrasing) "Most people's kids are just people" inferring that no matter how bad you may want them (or you) to become the next Betty Ross or Abraham Lincoln, they'll (or you'll) become just another person.
This isn't to say that a person can't do great things, problem is, define "great". Is it a great thing to be responsible, follow your beliefs, help others when the opportunity presents itself? Many of the people who do these humanitarian projects like build schools, travel to countries and teach classes, etc., are for the most part wealthy to extent that they can take months off of work and continue to maintain income. I bet these people your age have some other things going on besides being incredible people.
You are doing what you need to do right now, to become the person you want to be later. Keep on truckin'.

Anonymous said...

Betty Ross/Betsy Ross? Eh, they're all the same...

Chakeshemo said...

No, Betty Ross....she invented, uh, I think it was rubber bands or something....