Friday, September 18, 2009

Leading the revolution against irresponsible shoppers

So we're on our way home from Coney's and we're listening to "Who Asked You" on KSL. (A random-caller-driven gripe session) Geoff says he's going to call in so he gets his phone out and dials. We pull into the parking lot and I run to the radio in the bathroom while Geoff waits in the kitchen, still on hold. Finally, I hear him come on the radio. The radio guys say, "We're going to Geoff in Orem, Geoff, Who asked you?" Geoff replies, "You know I've called about this before, but it's something I feel very passionately about so I'm gonna continue to call, but I am sick and tired of people leaving their shopping carts all over the parking lot. I think it's disrespectful, selfish, and rude, and I'm prepared to lead the revolution against irresponsible shoppers, are you guys with me?" I am laughing my head off in the bathroom and Geoff comes in just in time to hear them laugh and agree that they're with him, then they go on to talk about some kid in the Macey's parking lot in Spanish Fork who he saw heave a shopping cart into a car with all his might. And that's the end.


Anonymous said...

I will not lie. I have done that on occasion. But in my defense, each time I have done it I have regretted it on my way home from wherever. It makes me feel so guilty!

Anonymous said...

ooo that's one of my big pet peeves! I hate seeing shopping carts all over the place. I always remember to put mine away, just because I feel guilty when I don't. Especially in the winter when I see the poor employees out in the cold trying to round all the carts up.
I have my 35 pound child, and my groceries, and I just load up the groceries, hold my heavy boy and run to the cart stall. Then run us both back to the car. It seems to work. I don't see how people with no kids can't do it.
Geoff is so funny! I like hearing his rants. And he must love listening to himself over the air. You guys are great.

Cali said...

Mostly Probably - I've done it before too! Except now I have to answer to *someone* about it, ha ha.

Laskuh - He TOTALLY loves listening to himself on the air! You are right!