Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yesterday I was scheduled to get off work at noon, but ended up working straight through 'till 4:30. (And would've had to stay even longer if not for Angie's help! She's so awesome!) I was looking forward to getting a jump start on homework but oh well. It would've been even crappier to come back to all of that stuff on Monday, so I'm glad it got done. Around noon or so I started feeling sick, and now I'm totally sick. We think Geoff had a cold earlier in the week, (he had a stuffy/runny nose but didn't complain of being sick), then I got the nose thing but man I'm really feelin' it. Eck. I'm glad to have today and tomorrow off. Although I also keep thinking of all the homework and cleaning I need to do and how I don't feel like doing anything. Mmmmmmmmm.

1 comment:

DeAnna said...

Chicken soup and a Chic Flic :) Couple hours can make a big difference