Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New word

Asshat: One who has their head up their ass. Thus wearing their ass as a hat.

I can think of one such person right now whose head I'd like to give a great big violent shove. I have to keep things cordial to maintain a working relationship, but I can secretly hold my opinion, can't I?


Sue said...

Well at least with his head up there he can't read your blog and get upset.

Cali said...

It's true. Well, I am sort of of the opinion that I don't have to like everybody and everybody doesn't have to like me. It's probably just good that we don't work directly with each other on a regular basis, so I think we'll be fine.

JohnnyB said...

I suffer from thinking that I don't have to like everybody but everybody has to like me. Your way is better.

And, BTW, very cute new blog layout. I had to stop for a moment and figure out what new blog I had wandered into.

Cali said...

:) Thanks JohnnyB!

Sven said...

that picture reminds me of my first beer

Cali said...

Yeah, right, you mean your first O'Doules? he he

Nat said...

That is one of my favorite words to use...Ass-hat. So much in fact that I was relieved Elise's first word was "mama" and not "ass-hat". I also enjoy Ass-Clown, and Ass-head, and Rocks-ass.