Tuesday, February 23, 2010

La de da

Yesterday was a little crazy - went to work, then went to my other work on my lunch break, then went back to work, then went back to my other work after work, then went to a 7:00 appointment. And all I ate all day long were cookies and pringles, since it was all I had with me. Was soooo sick by the time I got home, but all well. I prefer not to do the going back and forth thing, but it might have to be that way until I get more comfortable with stuff - which hopefully shouldn't be too much longer. It's not like it's every day, and my trainer at the new job has been soooooo awesome to work with me and my schedule weirdness.

Well I made three CS compilations for mom... more than one but better than seven. I split them into Christian rock, soft rock, and hard rock.

Decided to spend a little of that $$ on a new gym pass, and gym clothes/shoes which were needed. My friend totally hooked me up with a great deal too, it was nice of her. I went with mom and dad down in SF last weekend. Hope to go tonight.

I'm not complaining about my job - I know how lucky I am - I've just decided that dealing with other people's tax problems is not fun at all... just, for future reference...

But the sun is out, so it's a happy day.

My 5th grade teacher added me as a friend on facebook. My favoritest teacher I've ever had! My best friend, Kim, and I had the class together, and we were definitely the teacher's pets; that's just how we were. But that whole 5th grade experience lives on in my memory as good times - I even wrote a paper about it when I got a little older. That year/age was probably the highlight of our whole Pleasant Grove existence, I miss it sometimes.


Anonymous said...

He loved you too and said you were a great student! It's funny how our 5th grade experiences were kind of similar. I loved my 5th grade teacher too!

Rory said...

One of the bands I played with a while back lived down by where you guys used to live in P.G. I tried to find your old house just for kicks to much avail. Meh. Anyway, it's always good when the sun shines. It makes me happy too. Also, side note/tangent--I think the collective soul's singer Ed Roland is totally funny to watch. Or maybe it was their guitarist... I don't know. I'll shut up now.

Cali said...

Rory- I think it'd Ed, he is funny. He's so animated, it's very entertaining. Love him. Love them.

Our old house was just around the corner from the small entrance to that community park (on the opposite side as the big entrance - I think the big entrance is on Canyon Road.).