Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This cheese pizza ruined my life a lil

Recently, my sister in law posted this on facebook:

Apparently the cheese pizza at Olive Garden is not good cause Nicholas took a bite, made a face and stated "this cheese pizza ruined my life a lil."

Ha ha! Oh my gosh that cracked me up!!

Also, someone posted about mis-heard lyrics, and someone else's kids had thought the words to Alanis Morissette's song You Oughta Know were, "and the cross-eyed baby you gave to me." Ha ha!! It reminds me of when my friend thought the words to N*Sync's Bye Bye Bye were "shimney-himney." (I think it's like, "cuz you may need me" or something - it is hard to understand). Or another friend thought Macy Gray's I Try were "I blow bubbles when you are not near." So funny! I'm sure I've had a few of my own, just can't think of them now.


Anonymous said...

Dad will never live down the Flintstones song...

"Flintstones, meet the Flintstones... they're the Modern Stoneage Family..."

He always thought it was "Mod-Historic Family..."

Cali said...

Ha ha. I think I even learned it Mod-Historic as a kid...

Lyndsie said...

I <3 that Nicholas kid.

DeAnna said...

I seriously sing I blow bubbles every time I hear that song...just to relive the memories :)

DeAnna said...

I seriously sing I blow bubbles every time I hear that song...just to relive the memories :)

Anonymous said...

My husband still makes fun of me for singing "I'm cutting ties with all the jealous SUNBEAMS" in a Spill Canvas song that says "I'm cutting ties with all the jealous ZOMBIES."

I guess I just really miss primary songs.