Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Getting so big

Took Gwen to the vet on my lunch today cuz she's been dry-heaving a lot lately.  Turns out she's likely okay, but the reason I mention is because they weighed her, and she's 6.1 lbs!  Just a week and a half ago she was 4.4 lbs!  She's growing so fast!  It makes me sad that she's getting bigger.  But all well.

After work I worked again until 8.  This week is a busy one for both jobs!  Hope to get everything done by Friday so I can enjoy the weekend with my little flamly.  Yep she makes our house so much fun.

Grateful for today: having almost no interruptions at work so I can get some needed stuff done!

1 comment:

Kayt and Brian Bell said...

Cali! I love reading your blog. I think it is the real definition of a blog. I always love that you are so sincere. I always think of you when the scriptures say to be childlike because -- although you are super mature and smart-- you are still sweet and sincere like you usually only see with kiddos. I miss you so bad and I miss chatting it up with you all day long at work!! Sorry you have had some hard times. . I would love to talk if you ever want to. I think we are soul sisters too bc I just got in a wreck like 2 weeks ago too but it was MY FAULT ( ehh, of course it was). ya, an unexpected 500 dollar deductible is loads of fun while trying to move. P.S. what is your second job and p.s.s I TOTALLY want to read the sociopath book. . do you know who it is by? Love ya! Sorry for the novel.