Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This morning, I just want to stay home and hide out in my bed than deal with this IRS issue today.  We've been working on it back and forth with them for the past 8 months, and I think it may finally come to a head today, and not in our favor.  I mean, in the grand scheme of things, it's not that big of a deal, but in the smaller window of my world and the immediate effects on those involved, it's a pretty big deal.  I'm going to get gray hair over this.  I can't say how much I hate working with the IRS.  I've got some help now, there's a slim chance we might be able to do something, but I don't know for sure yet.

UPDATE:  So that situation hasn't been resolved or even progressed on yet. I feel like an annoying broken record trying to get a hold of someone for some help.  It can only drag out for so long... anyway, after lunch another fun surprised leapt out of the cosmos and crash landed in our laps - completely unrelated to the IRS but no less of a pain in the arse.  By the end of the day I was ready to break down... got out in time but I suppose the lesson is to keep my mouth shut because it can always get worse.

So after work, I walked Gwennie then went to the first Relief Society activity I've been to in almost six years.  We learned how to make freezer meals and got grocery lists and recipes w/instructions.  It will be nice if we do it.  After that, I made some cookies and took them to my visiting teachee because get this, we went to the wrong apartment for the last two months in a row.  We kept leaving notes and stuff and finally I texted her and she never got our notes because we went to the wrong place.  She had waited up all night for us to come and we never showed.  So I felt really bad about that.  She wasn't there again, only this time I know I had the right apartment, so we just left them on the doorstep (Geoff came with me, we walked Gwennie over and back.)  I also had some duplicate apartment keys made for Alison & mom, and Geoff's dad who is coming down next month. 

Anyway.  Dreading the crap out of tomorrow.  I hope that this can be dealt with before next Wednesday, because I have three days off and I'm taking them.

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