Monday, September 13, 2010

Data sufficiency whooba whatey?

Okay, so tonight I really started GMAT studying...  I'm on page 102 of my book which is 596 pages long... that is 102/596 = 51/298 or approximately 1/6 of the way along when rounded to the nearest multiple of 10.  Ha ha.  I think I have put it off for so long because I was terrified I wouldn't remember or know anything, having not really learned it for reals in the first place (ahem - statistics).  But the basic math review is easy to follow along so far.  Moving on to ratios, percentages, and exponents tomorrow.  Or Wednesday, since I'll be pooped tomorrow when I get home.  Still have a long way to go, but it feels great to finally make some progress.  Man if I can get 50 pages behind me each time I study, this will go a lot faster than I expected.

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