Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hair and obedience training

Here they are: 

It's entirely possible that it looks better now than it did a week ago, now that I've started learning how to style it.  I'm kind of enjoying it though.  Long hair is beautiful and I would've totally kept it long if I could only pull it off.  My hair is much more manageable when it's short.

Anyway, and one of Gwennie, who forced her way onto my lap while I was taking these pictures.  She's so cute.

We took her to obedience training last night.  It's basically the same class we did already, only now it's with only small breeds.  And it's free for six months, so why not.  It's good socialization for her and fun to watch her play with the other dogs.  In the last class, there was a HUGE dog - I'm not sure what breed, but I would not be surprised if it was a Great Dane.  His name was Clark, and I think he was well over 100 pounds and not even full grown.  He and Gwennie were pretty good friends.  He was a very gentle player, but she still had to be careful to dodge his joyful happy paws - which were as big as her head - so playing was a teeny bit awkward.

In this class, she scared all the other dogs at first with her intensity, but after awhile a fluffy pomeranian named TogaPea warmed up to her and they played and played, and the pom never even got tired like most other dogs who play with Gwennie do.

Geoff's at CASA training again today (5 hours today!) and I'm off to get some new bathroom rugs.  They're way old now and Gwennie chewed a hole in one, so.


Anonymous said...

poms are awesome and super high energy. we want to get a pug next.

Lyndsie said...

I love the hair! You look so pretty.

Heidi said...

I love your hair too! It looks great! And I really like how the layers look in the back.

Toones said...

I FREAKING love your hair Cali!!! I showed my mom too and she loved it! haha it looks so great on you!

Cali said...

Thank you!!