Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Been thinking about this New Year's resolution stuff and whether or not I really want to make any.  We're constantly being asked to come up with goals at work (and I do mean constantly) and frankly, I get a little sick of the "goal overload".  But, I've just thought of the perfect New Year's goal for me.  Throwing it out there:

Stop Freaking Out! 
Hereafter known as SFO.

Ta-da.  I'm known to my family as worry-wart and over-emotional, and I can feel it.  The stress just spreads and leaks through every facet of my day, thoughts, projections, even sleep.  The what-ifs take up way too much emotional energy.  I'm tired, and constantly wishing for that time of life when I can get out from under the responsibility, the pressure of things.  I long for the time when I can just relax and have nothing on my plate.  Stress-free time = freedom.

But let's face it, that time doesn't really exist now, does it?  Even if it did, there's a good chance I would still find something to stew about.

So, with that said, I guess the question becomes:   How do I learn to just brush off the "disasters" - and the potential disasters and start enjoying life more?  Here are some ideas. (I'm going to brush off the urge to use SMART here, even though it's been tattooed on my brain thanks to work.  Why analyze the dang thing to death?)

Okay, for reals though:

-Recognize, think SFO
-Take a deep breath
-Count blessings
-Know that things are never going to be so bad that I won't eventually be okay... and usually they're fine within a couple of days anyway.
-Take a vacation

I like the last one especially.  Although we are trying to save up money for grad school and moving and what if I can't find a job and blah blah blah.  See?  Maybe we should just go ahead and take that vacation.  Maybe just somewhere close and cheap, but away. 

If we're lucky, we'll get to fill the new year with lots of change, which I so much look forward to.  Really don't want to be stressed about that, because change is good.


Lyndsie said...

What a great resolution. Mine's sort of along the same lines, kinda. Mine is to enjoy every single day this year...even if it's just a few minutes. I know bad days happen, but as long as I can take a minute to appreciate SOMETHING, I know that will help me SFO as you say!

Sarah said...

What I do is I think, "In eighty years, will this really matter?" If the answer is no, it goes last on my to-do list. If it is yes, it's at the top. That way, if I never make it to the end of my list...well, in eighty years, it won't really matter.