Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Today was a half-day at work. It was crazy and hectic, but lots of fun. They gave away all of the festival of trees stuff, and did the final gift thing for the secret sister game. Usually at that time, you have the option of revealing your identity to your giftee. Some do and some don't. I didn't know what to expect, but I hoped that the person who's been gifting me (and they've been steadily giving them all month) would reveal theirself so I could say thank you, but that was not the case. They did give me a Scentsy bar of wax and a wax melter (smells sooooo good). I looked all over the card, the outside, and the underside of the wrapper, and took out the melter and looked for a name or something anywhere but didn't find one. I just hope the person knows I've been touched by their kindness. I'm quite certain I'm undeserving of it. Maybe next year I will pick someone and do it to them, to pass it on. Actually, I should pass it on all the time. :)

Tonight we'll go to Grandma Bingham's with the fam, but right now I'm off to the gym. I'm staving off the third Twilight book until the day after Christmas so's I don't end up neglecting Geoff and my family (cuz it will trap me for hours). We rented some Christmas movies anyway and that sounds kind of fun. (Elf, which is Geoff's recent Christmas favorite, Muppet Christmas Carol, and the Santa Clause.)

Life is wonderful. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas!

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