Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I love it more than a fat kid loves cake

Okay, I'm officially addicted. I LOVE THE TWILIGHT SERIES! I am finishing the second book on my lunch break today.

PS- I love cake, in case any are inclined to take offense.


NaDell said...

Yeah, the first two are so fast to read. The third and fourth take a little longer, but they are still a fun read and you have to read them to see what happens, you know.
That tree is funny.

Anonymous said...

Nice tree. I especially like the vacuum in the background.

Byron & Lori Orton said...

Hey Cali. I tagged you, so now you pick a picture and comment on it, then tag three other people. Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

NO! Read better books! Twilight is contaminating those of us who read. You wouldn't smoke crack just because everybody's doing it. Twilight is just as bad for you.

Anonymous said...

I was a fat kid once.

Ang said...

Love the tree. Love the Cake saying. Love that you are into the books and loved book three the best. Enjoy!