Thursday, December 11, 2008

A secret

My work does this secret santa thing each year, where you draw names and do something nice for your person once a week... decorate their workspace, give them treats, gifts, etc. And all in secret of course, until Christmas Eve, when we have the chance to reveal our identity if we want. I participated the first year, but last year and this year I've opted out.

However, someone's been giving me gifts. I thought the first one might've been an accident (even though it was so incredibly nice of them to let me keep it anyway) but this week I got another one! And they know I'm not playing. But the one person who I know knows who it is, refuses to tell me. I'd love to thank them properly for the nice gifts but I have no clue who it is. (I think it is a female because men don't buy those kinds of things... that might be kind of weird anyway). Last week they gave me this way cute wooden santa that stands on its own, and this week was a cute wooden sign that says merry christmas on it and they are so cute. I love them, and they are the two sole pieces of decoration in my office right now. So of course I'm very flattered, and it has made me very conscious of the way I'm treating the people around me... which is a good reminder, regardless of why.

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