Monday, September 14, 2009


It's my lunch break. Do I nap? Or blog? Nap? Blog. Nap? Hmm it seems blog is winning so far anyway. So last week, it was summer, with temperatures in the high 80's. This week, it's fall, the leaves are starting to turn. I would perfectly happy if we could have spring, then summer, then fall, then exactly one day of winter, because that's about how long its charm lasts. You rarely hear people complaining at the end of summer, but at the end of winter, we are fed up with the snow and coldness and darkness.

I was reading this person's blog about some stuff that is happening with their adoption. I don't know this family at all, I followed the link at the urging of the author of this blog. But it got me thinking. (I know this is a super sensitive subject for some! I'm a little scared of hurting people's feelings by blogging about it. But it is my blog.) It seems I know more people who struggle with infertility than people who don't, and I know it's very possible we will face the same thing. We've talked about adoption, and agreed that we will be happy to adopt if needed. Having your own children is very special, but I really feel that adopting is very special in its own right too. In fact, we've talked about eventually adopting even if we don't "need" to, per se.

Even though I've never been through the adoption process and don't know the legalities, I'm very surprised at the situation that person is going through to keep their baby. Maybe they were just fostering and are now trying to make it permanent? I don't know. But anyway, somehow, the biological father of the baby now wants him back, even though the birth mother sides with the adoptive parents. They are having to go through court and everything. Seems this birthfather never gave a hoot about his kid until now. Why he wants him now is strange to me. I pray for the family though. Also, reading on, it seems that the second time they tried to go through the adoption process, they were picked by someone who wasn't really pregnant, who was just pretending. She kept changing her mind on the couple over and over, and finally told them she was about to give birth and had chosen another family, who was there at the hospital with her. Then they got a call a few weeks later from someone who said her cousin was about to have a baby and they'd been picked. Turns out it was that same girl playing a joke on them again, seemingly because she wanted attention. Who does that? A psychopath, that's who. You'd think there would be a way to verify with the adoption agency that the person you are attempting to build a relationship with is, in fact, pregnant, and that they are, in fact, registered. It scares me a little. All in all, I don't think that is the norm. I would like to research it though.


kenna said...

Adoption is a very wonderful and powerful process to be a part of. I say that because I am in the process of adopting, and I am adopted, but duh, you already knew that. :)

Lindsey (mrs. r) is an amazing woman. Let me give you the skinny on what's going down.

This is their second little one, and the birth father claims he didn't have the time/resources/knowledge of what papers to file in order to claim rights before Gavin was born. He claims that the told Gavin's birth mother that he would take care of her and the baby. He has never, EVER asked about Gavin but wants him. It's a sick and twisted situation. Lindsey has a very open adoption and is close with Gavin's birth mom. She knows the truth, and the birth father just lies and lies and is trying to get Gavin back.

It's a sick joke. Please pray for their judge. For them. For the opportunity for them to keep Gavin in their care, which is what is BEST for Gavin.

That other post about the couple being chosen time and time again and being scammed is a guest bloggers story (that remained anonymous I'm pretty sure). Lindsey posted it because she wanted anonymous' story to be told.

It's sad to think these things happen when all that Lindsey and her husband want is to give Gavin a loving home. They want what is BEST for him, as do anyone adopting.

Anyway, thanks for plugging her. Again, she is amazing and has been such a strength to me, now it's my turn to give strength to her.

You rock.

kenna said...

Oh, sorry, and it wasn't foster care. Gavin was placed with Lindsey & Josh when he was born. Birth father was NO where to be found.

Cali said...


Thanks for clearing up my confusion! I am praying hard for them!