Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm such a bad stress eater, and I think it's showing right now.  BAD CALI.  Well, I got three days off next week, mon-wed.  So, I can at least look forward to that.  I think it is helping me get through the rest of this week a little better. 

I was telling my friend about my embarrassing experience of finishing second to last at the 5K that Geoff and I completed last winter.  I won't say we ran it because that would be a lie.  Anyway, she said that people actually train for 5K's before they run them, not be stupid like me and just go do it out of nowhere.  (She didn't say I was stupid, but I was.)  It seems like traning shouldn't be needed because it's only 3.2 miles.  But, if you're as out of shape as me, it is.

So she gave me a running schedule that I could follow - 8 weeks to go from completely out of shape to a running mode, then 6 more weeks to get to 5K mode, where three miles can be easily run.  It's a big time committment because it's five days a week.  But, I think I'm going to do it!  I know it'll be hard because I hate running.  (Unlike what some runners claim, running doesn't feel good to me.)  And it'll be hard to get my butt to the gym on those days when I just feel like hiding in bed.  But it'll be good for me.  I want to conquer this. 

It's really specific on what days you run vs rest, so I'm going to start on Monday, since the gyms are all closed on Sunday in Utah County, and Sunday will be one of my two days of rest.  We all know how well I stick with these kinds of things, so wish me luck!


Jared said...

Cool! I'm going to do a 10k in may with my boy scouts, as long as I'm still here in Alabama... If not I may come back and do it anywase just for fun!

Keep at it, and running outside is way funner/better than on a treadmill in my opinion... I get so bored on a treadmill.

Cali said...

Jared, you should! Where are you guys going if you leave Alabama?

I would probably run outside if 1)it wasn't biting cold and I could breath the air, and 2)I had a cheap way of keeping track of distance. Maybe when it gets warmer. :)

Jessica GaleForce said...

I am doing two 5k's in March. I started my training Jan 31. I have been sick the last couple of days so I am prolly gonna have to only do 1 of the 5ks now cause I won't be ready in time. I <3 running!