Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Need sugar!

You know you are craving sugar when you have a dream that you bought a house from someone else, and as you are cleaning it out, you find their year old wedding cake in the freezer and you actually, hungrily, devour it. I think I have a serious sugar problem...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod


Robyn said...

You're as bad as I am in the sugar department!!!! I LOVE sugar!!!

Heidi said...

I too have a sugar problem!

What gym do you usually go to?

Cali said...

Hi Heidi! I go to Gold's on university parkway, but if you have a membership you can go to any gym in SL or UT county.

NaDell said...

I crave sugar all the time! I don't think I dream about it though. It would probably be better for me if I was just dreaming about it instead of eating it...