Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fake it??

This morning as my co-worker and I were talking about how hard it is to get out of bed in the morning, she said, "I'm just gonna fake it 'til I make it." I thought that was an insightful saying. Fake it 'til we make it. [Editor's note: Upon reading this post, my husband informed me that "fake it 'til you make it" is commonly known as referring to sex, which I didn't know. Hence the title change].

Interesting how the flags at Low Book Sales and Wal-mart were flying at half-mast for weeks for the miners is Sanpete County, but on the anniversary of 9/11 they were at full-mast. I don't suppose they forgot??

The new accounting girl started today. She is tall and skinny and has long brown hair, and of course I just bristled with resentment when they took her around to meet everyone. I managed to avoid my introduction - I was afraid I'd act snobby, cuz that's how I was feeling. It's silly for me to feel bad about it, she is apparently replacing Camille, who had a bachelor's in finance, and I'm nowhere near that yet. I just need a day or two to get over it and it will all be fine. It would actually probably have been hard to learn a new job at this point, with everything else that's going on.

Actually, I am so blessed, Geoff and I both, to have what we do and to be able to do what we do. I will stop complaining now.

Anywho, we've been tagged again, so I will do it cuz I'm bored (and Kenna is my home-girl). Kidding?? Here goes

Getting to know Geoff:

What is his name? Geoffery
How long have you been together, including dating? A little over 3 years
How long did you date? about 9-ish months
How old is he? 25
Who eats more: Probably him, although I snack a lot and he doesn't
Who said I love you first: He did. Actually, he said he liked me alot, then no, he was falling for me, then no, he was falling in love with me... it was so cute.
Who is taller? Geoff
Who sings better? He would say I do but he really has a great singing voice. It's very dynamic
Who is smarter? Geoff, he has a passion to learn new things, doesn't matter what
Whose temper is worse? Geoff's, although he's very patient too. We don't fight very often.
Who does the laundry? We both occasionally throw a load in
Who does the dishes? Mostly Geoff, sometimes I help
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? That would be me
Who pays the bills? Geoff does
Who mows the lawn? The HOA
Who cooks dinner? Geoff does, mostly mac & cheese mixed with mashed potatoes. Once in awhile we mix it up.
Who drives when you are together? Geoff does, about 98% of the time
Who is more stubborn? Oooh that's a good one. Probably me.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Geoff is. Actually he admits he's wrong even when I am really the wrong one.
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine cuz they're closer
Who kissed who first? I kissed him first. He had so obviously "hinted" that he was not going to make the first move, so I knew it was me or never
Who asked who out? We actually started by just hanging out with roommates. Then I think the first actual date was a mutual agreement
Who proposed? Geoff
Who is more sensitive? Me definately
Who has more friends? We both have no friends. (Just kidding, I don't know)
Who has more siblings? I do
Who wears the pants in the family? I sometimes like to think I do, but it's really him. No plaid shorts.

I want someone else to do this, so I tag DShaw, Sarah, Natalie, and Computer Geek Gone Chef. :)


Anonymous said...

Fake it til you make it...that's the story of my life.

Anonymous said...

I've NEVER had to fake it!! ha ha (TMI from mom)

Cali said...

Uhhhh yeah... just a little TMI...